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After the first meeting of Chiefs of Staff of the Air Force Air of Peru and the Colombian Air Force

With a series of activities in our country, the Colombian Air Force finiished this first binational meeting with the Air Force of Peru, which have been standardized operational procedures in the interest of safety of these two sister nations.

Thanks to this meeting have been made agreements for training and staff training, allowing in the future a higher level in the operating performance of each country.

In addition conclusion, mechanisms have been created to share knowledge and experiences that will remain as a fundamental pillar in the doctrine of each Force. These exchanges seek continuous improvement in operational processes and establish new capabilities and synergies between neighboring countries for combat against transnational crimes, as well as ongoing support in emergency situations.

With the signing of the Final Act by the Lieutenant General Julio Cesar Valdez Pomareda, Chief of Staff of the Air Force of Peru, and Major General of the Air Luis Ignacio Baron Casas, Deputy Commander and Chief of Air Staff Air Force Colombian narrowed further the ties of friendship and cooperation between these two forces.

Department of Air Force Strategic Communications

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