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Air Force, permanent firefighting operations in the Midwest

The Colombian Air Force or more than 15 days it has been supporting daily operations of fire in the departments of Huila, Cundinamarca, Tolima and Caldas.

The support we provide today the Air Force to Neira, Melgar and Nilo in the departments of Caldas, Tolima and Cundinamarca, respectively, will join the presence of the Air Institution helicopters fitted with Bambi Bucket operations team firefighting 12 departments of the country so far in 2015.

The inclement weather that have been presented in different places de Colombia and the carelessness of people who throw waste in natural reserve areas have been the main causes of forest fires, which have led the Air Force to fly 345 hours to make over 1400 downloads and sprinkle over 593,000 gallons of water and retardant liquid firefighting missions in 2015.

The crews and aircraft from the Colombian Air Force continue to operate in these missions of social responsibility and environmental protection in order to prevent the flames affect residential areas in various regions of the nation and continue, just as, ending flora and fauna of our natural forests.

Department of Strategic Communications - Colombian Air Force

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