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The Air Power, What for?

You cannot forget that the effectiveness of the FAC was essential to reverse the equation of the conflict in recent years. The fall of the 'Black Acacio' Martin Caballero ',' Raul Reyes' and 'Mono Jojoy' are just a sample of what has been done. Moreover, in May this year, our aircraft practically dismantled the front 29 of the FARC, and the fight against drug trafficking, the number of illegal aircraft entering Colombian territory decreased from 693 in 2003 to one in which far this year.

All these activities require the development of surveillance operations, control, interdiction and intelligence have been strengthened with the entry into service of new radar and remotely manned aircraft (ART), with which it has safeguarded the road and energy infrastructure as well to monitor natural hazards, and in a country like Colombia's war it is not our only business. Our ability to reach every corner has allowed us, in so far this year, evacuate and transport more than 900 Colombians who have suffered several tragedies, from snakebites to flooding.

For them, the indigenous, Afro-Colombian, and peasant immigrants, the presence of the FAC is a blessing and almost the only hope. They have been the main beneficiaries of more than 3,000 tons of medicines, markets and essential items transported during 2015.

We do a lot with a little, and it has earned us to be the first armed force in the world to be certified in quality, and to be the institution of the most beloved by the Colombian State, with a 85 percent favorability (Datexco).
Therefore it hurts now, the difficult times we face incomprehension and distortions of those who, with evident ignorance and even sometimes join in bad faith, they question our work and professionalism.

If part of our fleet is on the ground is that it requires review by the amount of flight hours, is scheduled for maintenance or simply because the manufacturer's manual tells you to. Mal would do to allow an aircraft to flight out without it being totally reliable

The Colombian people can have complete certainty that we are absolutely rigorous inspections and compliance with protocols keeping planes and helicopters, as are human lives that are exposed on each trade.

We know from our commitment to the country. We are a cohesive, highly motivated, Air Force and continue to honor this obligation, as now we have done, seeking the highest level of security in what we do, but acting with determination. That we are aware that we willingly obliged and who pray with pride as institutional motto "Sic itur ad astra" ("So you go to the heights").

While wear uniform, this commander and his generals are still in time to protect and defend the Colombians. Maybe tomorrow we can devote to calmer things like hydroponics, video games and board games. But not yet!

Commander of the Colombian Air Force (FAC)


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Fuerza Aérea Colombiana

Nuestra misión es volar, entrenar y combatir para vencer y dominar el espacio y el ciberespacio, en defensa de la soberanía, la independencia, la integridad territorial, el orden constitucional y contribuir a los fines del estado.

¡Así se va a las estrellas!

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