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Colombian Air Force participates in operations against illegal mining in Buenaventura

The Colombian Air Force across the Combat Air Command No.7 its aircraft participated in the joint operation Combined Interagency against the illegal exploitation of mineral deposits in rural area of the township Blessings in the municipality of Buenaventura.

During the operation, the Air Force provided security from the air and provided intelligence information with their aircraft, in order to determine the criminal act of those who were conducting the illegal exploitation of natural resources.
This strong operating led by the National Police in the framework of the strategy against the illicit exploitation of mineral deposit, together with the General Prosecutor's Office, National, Air Force, the CTI, the CVC, EPSA Army and Railways Pacific, he captures six people were caught illegally exploiting natural resources (gold).

The competent authorities intervened 29 tunnels, destroyed 17 rustic cambuches where they performed illegal extraction; Also they seized 02 transformers 01 industrial power plant 01 power generator 01 hydraulic pump 02 electric hammers, equipment worth more than 500 million pesos.

Thus, the Colombia Air Force will continue to support the National Police in the development of definitive action against the scourge of illegal mining in the department of Valle del Cauca, with the primary purpose of anticipating some tragedies.

Department of Air Force Strategic Communications

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