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Colombian Air Force struck blow to the front 29 of the FARC

As part of the offensive operations that are being developed across the length and breadth of the country, the Colombian Air Force participated in the development of joint and coordinated operation with the Navy, Police, Criminal Investigation Branch and the Seventh Prosecutor Specializing in Pasto.

In the operation conducted in the municipalities of Guapi and Timbiquí, in the department of Cauca, the Air Force transported the troops of the National Police and provided essential information and timely intelligence that led to the arrest of six suspected members of the front 29 of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

According to information provided by the National Police captured they are: Gerardo Vasquez Cuero, alias "El Cholo Vazquez"; Plutarco Grueso, alias "Don Plus"; James Rodriguez Rodriguez, alias "Bola 8"; Édinson Solis Zuniga, alias "El Sastre"; Jesus Orlando Grueso Obregon, alias "Cujar" and Ever Orobio Orobio "Buñuelo" who were made available to the competent authorities for the crimes of war, logistical supply and terrorist actions against the security forces and civilians in the region Narino and Cauca.

The suspected guerrillas have alleged arrest warrant on charges of aggravated conspiracy, aggravated homicide, extortion, terrorism, financing of terrorism, kidnapping, drug trafficking and manufacture, trafficking and possession of weapons used exclusively by the military.

During the operation a 16 mm caliber shotgun, a 38 caliber handgun, two suppliers of rifle and 75 cartridges caliber 7.62 were also seized.

Thus, the Air Combat Command No. 7 of the Colombian Air Force will continue permanently fighting the actions of the illegal armed organization in the South West of the country.

Press Office Air Combat Command No. 7

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