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Exercise Personnel Recovery "Angel of the Andes" was inaugurated by Air Force Commander

The Colombian Air Force launched the International Year Angel de los Andes 2015, which was born as a need to share experiences and to inform the forces of other nations the way we operate in our territory.

The Commander of the Air Institution Air Force Major General Carlos Eduardo Bueno Vargas said that "the particular missions in which our force is a continental reference, as medical evacuation in combat, air escort, fire, natural disasters and focus on all situations aimed at saving lives we do a joint manner with the National Risk Management Unit position us more and more."

It also gave special recognition to all the organizers and hosts, who with commitment and dedication made the meticulous planning of this important and historic for our institution "I wish as Commander, every success in achieving the objectives activity proposed . Security, excellence and commitment."

Department of Air Force Strategic Communications

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Fuerza Aérea Colombiana

Nuestra misión es volar, entrenar y combatir para vencer y dominar el espacio y el ciberespacio, en defensa de la soberanía, la independencia, la integridad territorial, el orden constitucional y contribuir a los fines del estado.

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