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First Meeting of chiefs of staff between the Colombian Air Force and the Air Force of Peru

For three days Lieutenant General Pomareda Julio Cesar Valdez, Chief of Staff of the Air Force of Peru, and Major General of the Air Luis Ignacio Baron Casas, Deputy Commander and Chief of Air Staff of the Colombian Air Force will meet in Bogota in order to strengthen cooperation in operational, technical and training for the successful development of air missions combined between the two brotherly countries areas.

This binational allow sharing experiences occurred in each of the air force and review the evolution of the Agreement signed in 2002 between Colombia and Peru to combat drug trafficking and related crimes, terrorism and illegal air traffic; work already being done through cooperation between the two countries, the combined work of air interdiction and the exchange of information in real time.

This meeting which will be visits to some units and units of the Colombian Air Force, entrench bilateral relations are of great importance today, given threats such as terrorism and drug trafficking that affect the common border area of the two countries

Department of Air Force Strategic Communications

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