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First real mission to exercise "Angel of the Andes"

Special Forces commandos and rescue workers of America, Dominican Republic, Panama and Colombia with the Squadron Air Special Commands and Civil Defense managed to save the lives of 20 people, who on board a commercial aircraft ATR-42 covering the Barranquilla-Bogota route, suffered an accident in the La Dorada, Caldas.

The radar lost contact with the commercial aircraft; the fact to be reported immediately protocols were activated for search and rescue plane crash, which was found by a C-295 from the Colombian Air Force. In this operation simulated plane crash a C-130 Hercules made a tactical flight at about 500 feet.

On land the triage or classification of the state of the wounded was made; who clothed most serious they were taken in UH-60 helicopters using the maneuver "transload" which means transfer of a rotary wing aircraft to a medicalized fixed wing aircraft to take them to specialized care centers.

This is the first real mission of the International Exercise "Angel de los Andes 2015" which allowed them to measure the skills of personnel involved in the mission, while strengthening the operational synergy and interoperability.
Rescue and recovery operations personnel continue to take place "Angel de los Andes", "United to save lives."

Strategic Communications Department

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