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Half a ton of drugs seized in the Colombian Pacific

The seizure was made in the final hours at sea, where ships and boats Patrol Rapid Reaction Coast Guard aircraft Air Combat Command No. 7 Air Force, special units of Criminal Investigation and the National Police took part Naval intelligence services of the Navy, intercepting on the sea, motorboat loaded with nearly half a ton of cocaine, three Ecuadorian and Colombian manned the boat that was caught by the authorities carrying a stash worth more than $ 16.5 million in the international illegal market.

In the boat they were also carried 250 gallons of fuel to those who wanted to get to Central and North America, coast Guard units moved to Buenaventura cargo consisting of 491 packages loaded with hallucinogen, the judicial authorities of the port conducted chemical tests that confirmed 489 kilos of cocaine of high purity.The four captured were made available to the competent authorities for the crime of lading, trafficking and production of narcotics.

Thus the Military and National Police, in accordance with its constitutional mission, forces remain on the offensive in the fight against all kinds of threats of criminal gangs, drug trafficking, armed groups outside the law offenders in the Pacific, to provide peace, tranquility and freedom of the Colombian nation in this region


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