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Military Logistics Air celebrates its day

Under one doctrinal guideline, the Logistic Operations, Headquarters of Logistics operations (JOL) and Headquarters of logistics Support (JAL), with its valuable support logistics management in the Colombian Air Force.
The aviation logistics support and logistics services working together and are involved in all processes of the Force, to meet the needs of all kinds, minimize the use of resources, maximize profits, meet the requirements and to achieve the impact expected.

The headquarters Logistic Operations to ensure maximum availability of aircraft, weapon systems, fuel, aeronautical communications, radar and aircraft ground support team guarantees the success of air operations.

At the same time, in the search for quality in its processes, it has developed important projects of modernization of aircraft, major maintenance, procurement of associated equipment of high technology, manufacturing of parts, certification of aeronautical products for defense, education and training, and the implementation of programs in science and technology, among many other achievements, today essential for the fulfillment of the constitutional mission of the institution.

Meanwhile the headquartes of Logistical Support is the nerve of the Force to ensure with each of his works the welfare and safety of those working in the institution.

The development of operational, administrative, infrastructure support and services is evidenced in updating aerodromes located in the different air units, hydro-sanitary recovery and electrical part of the Bases of the institution, as well as the upcoming construction of the Clinic which will serve to integrate the Colombian Air Force and the Navy and in the construction of new housing for military housing.

Thus, these two headquarters responsible Air Force logistics, day to day are strengthened to ensure sustainability in time for the Colombian Air Force and lead the institution to be a leader in the aerospace logistics development, observing in all processes caring for the environment

Department of Air Force Strategic Communications

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