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Report confirms that crashed military plane fell Cesar weather conditions and not for attacks

A final report on the plane crash that fell 235 House in the department of Cesar, in which 11 Colombian soldiers died, confirmed that weather conditions were July 31, which caused the incident.

According to General Carlos Bueno, commander of the Colombian Air Force (FAC), the research showed that day temperatures between -3 and -18 degrees occurred. He said that showed a phenomenon called severe icing and no time was to attack or mechanical failure.

The black boxes showed that after an hour and a half flight, the crew claimed descent in Barranquilla, but lost control of the aircraft, rushing.

"We found several parts between planes and fire engines with indications only in engines, not the tail or the fuselage. Most of these signs of fire were that the fire was post-impact ground . Then, in the course of analysis, we could I see in the videos where the aircraft is on fire for the moment when the aircraft is fractured, the fuel is ignited and fall with some brands of fire and smoke, "he said .

It was also explained that the crew managed to report adverse weather conditions and the presence of "ice" on the plans.

NTN24 News

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