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Requirements for records providers Procurement Agency Colombian Air Force

REGISTRATION OF SUPPLIERS (RP) paragraph a. requirements:
Foreign companies interested in hiring through the Procurement Agency ACOAD must submit the documentation as described below:

1. Submit the registration form (Appendix C) duly processed and signed by the legal representative of the company or agent.

2. Document of incorporation and business registration certificate by the competent authority in the country of domicile of the company (State Department of State for companies based in the US).

3. Companies that delegate the authority to hire a person other than the legal representative of the company must submit a power of delegation issued by the legal representative; apostille or consularized.

4. companies domiciled in the US must submit the annual financial statements signed by the accountant of the company or whoever takes his place, who shall be a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). For companies based outside US territory, the financial statements must be certified by the accountant of the company. If the company is not old enough to have financial statements at December 31, you must register with quarterly financial statements in court, signed by the legal representative or accountant, or opening financial statements.

5. Check with the company management to the office for Defense Trade Controls Department of State (DDTC) for companies resident in the US and Canada, or the equivalent in the country of domicile of the company.

6. Businesses that provide MRO services through the Procurement Agency shall certify their compliance with the regulation 14-CFR Part 145 RepairStation FAA or its equivalent in other countries and if they are authorized by the manufacturer (OEM) must provide certificate stating their capabilities.

7. Companies that mediate between the companies providing MRO services and the Air Force must present certificates showing that companies that lend services comply with the conditions set out in the preceding paragraph (6).

8. Bank certificate issued by the financial institution where the company will receive the payments.

To stay active, companies must renew it each year.

NOTE: All documents to be submitted by companies must be translated into Castilian and duly consularized or certified.

Incomplete or under different conditions than those established precludes the registration documentation and therefore not taken into account for pre-contractual and contractual process forward through ACOFA. In order to provide documentation in the Logistic Operations Please make an appointment by mail and telephone # 3159800 extension 1643.

Logistic Operation

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