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Saving lives in water

Air or soil, and even in water, when it comes to saving a life should increase efforts, so in the international exercise "Angel of the Andes" training missions are performed to effect rescues and recovery personnel in waters open.

Techniques and maneuvers as T-Duck, which refers to the deployment of a boat from the water rescue aircraft to provide assistance to those in danger, were practiced today by the Special Air Squadron Command, -ECOEA-, Force Colombian Air Force, Special Forces of the United States and Civil Defense volunteers participating in the exercise recovery personnel.

Perform this type of rescue operations strengthens the capacity of our institution, and in turn close ties of cooperation with other forces, to share experiences on these missions that are part of interoperability.

In the coming days our crews with rescue teams train in this type of maneuver, with the sole aim of improving its procedures for the success of future autonomous operations coordinated and combined

Department of Air Force Strategic Communications

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Fuerza Aérea Colombiana

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