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Second group of officers and non-commissioned officers will be trained in Canada

The Colombian Air Force through the Aeronautical Education Chief sends abroad the second round of 19 officers and non commissioned officers flight crews and aircraft coaching staff to develop the "Training Program under the methodology English immersion in Canada."

This staff will be 10 weeks in an academic environment, where in addition to learning English with neutral accent, increase the development and strengthening of communication skills for levels from B1 to B2 according to the Common European Framework and will enable the selected live a multicultural experience.

Six officers, three non commissioned officers will dip in Toronto and eight officers, two non commissioned officers will dive in the city of Vancouver, Canada.

This initiative was developed in compliance with the Institutional Policy No. 11 which seeks to achieve international interoperability through bilingualism and the goal set by the command of the Colombian Air Force, consisting of increasing the level of English in all military personnel 2015.

Department of Air Force Strategic Communications

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