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Fuerza Aérea Colombiana certificada por el Dane

Después de un trabajo de análisis e investigación realizado por expertos independientes durante el segundo semestre de 2014, el Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadísticas, DANE, le entregó a la Fuerza Aérea un Certificado de Información”.


In reference to the article "Air Force gives green light for the construction of new airport" published on August 14, 2015 in the Journal of Casanare, the Colombian Air Force to announce that through the Air Combat Command No.2 in Apiay located Meta, a strategic initiative presented to the Civic Committee of the city Department for the construction of a new airfield operational and fill air transport Orinoco, Colombia and the world needs taking advantage of geographical location and accelerated development It is being implemented in the region.

Colombian Air Force continues to make Firefighting missions in different parts of country

The Colombian Air Force has participated in the last week in firefighting missions with helicopters fitted with bambi bucket equipment in Carmen de Apicalá and Honda in Tolima and in Aipe, Huila.

Fuerzas aéreas de 11 países se capacitan en Colombia en búsqueda y rescate

Rionegro (Colombia), 17 ago.- Delegaciones de 11 fuerzas aéreas de América se capacitan desde hoy en Colombia en recu

Air Force Commander answered Senate Concerns

In the Second Committee of the Senate debate over the last plane crashes of aircraft of the Armed Forces it was held.

First Meeting of chiefs of staff between the Colombian Air Force and the Air Force of Peru

For three days Lieutenant General Pomareda Julio Cesar Valdez, Chief of Staff of the Air Force of Peru, and Major General of the Air Luis Ignacio Baron Casas, Deputy Commander and Chief of Air Staff of the Colombian Air Force will meet in Bogota in order to strengthen cooperation in operational, technical and training for the successful development of air missions combined between the two brotherly countries areas.

Colombian Air Force participates in operations against illegal mining in Buenaventura

The Colombian Air Force across the Combat Air Command No.7 its aircraft participated in the joint operation Combined Interagency against the illegal exploitation of mineral deposits in rural area of the township Blessings in the municipality of Buenaventura.

Second group of officers and non-commissioned officers will be trained in Canada

The Colombian Air Force through the Aeronautical Education Chief sends abroad the second round of 19 officers and non commissioned officers flight crews and aircraft coaching staff to develop the "Training Program under the methodology English immersion in Canada."

After the first meeting of Chiefs of Staff of the Air Force Air of Peru and the Colombian Air Force

With a series of activities in our country, the Colombian Air Force finiished this first binational meeting with the Air Force of Peru, which have been standardized operational procedures in the interest of safety of these two sister nations.

La Macarena se pinta y da ejemplo de trabajo comunitario

Una iniciativa promovida por la firma Pintuco, la Fundación Orbis y la gobernación del Meta, a través del Instituto de Turismo, le dará un vuelco a la vida del municipio de La Macarena.

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Fuerza Aérea Colombiana

Nuestra misión es volar, entrenar y combatir para vencer y dominar el espacio y el ciberespacio, en defensa de la soberanía, la independencia, la integridad territorial, el orden constitucional y contribuir a los fines del estado.

¡Así se va a las estrellas!

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