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Air Force combat forest fires in the Tolima and Cundinamarca

Air Force combat forest fires in the Tolima and Cundinamarca

The Colombian Air Force with aircraft and specialized crews in extinguishing forest fires, fighting conflagrations that occur in areas of Tolima and Cundinamarca.

In these regions with aircraft of Air Combat Command No.4 multiple fires have been extinguished, which to date have been used to extinguish the flames split 77,516 gallons of water and retardant liquid.

The bambi bucket system, known as the main air tool to combat forest fires, allows quick load in different water sources and easy release of the liquid on the glaring spotlights.

Who make up the National System for Disaster Risk Management, which owns the Colombian Air Force, are working together in the affected municipalities to extinguish the flames, in addition to publicize campaigns to prevent fires occur in our forests and nature reserves in which it invites people to avoid throwing cigarette butts green areas and not to make so-called controlled burns.

Likewise, timely, it switches off with plenty of water any outbreak of fire to prevent its spread not campfires under the trees and avoid throwing glass or mirrors in green areas.

Currently the country is affected by an intense summer, so that high temperatures in the departments is a major factor for the occurrence of forest fires; however, necessary precautions and measures prevents that arise frequently.

The Colombian Air Force, under the leadership of the National Personnel Recovery Center, will continue fighting missions in Tolima to achieve control fires that have occurred in the area, contributing to the preservation of the flora and fauna of the region .

Air Combat Command No. 4

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