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Armed Forces propinan sharp blow to the finances of the front 27 of the FARC in Meta

Developing a forward operation by the Armed Forces, in order to ensure the safety and security of civilians and combat the phenomenon of crime of extortion in the south east of the country, in the last hours of the four killed in fighting front 27 of the FARC, including alias is the "Thin Duván" head of finance of that illegal armed group.

The incident took place in the town of La Libertad, in the municipality of Vista Hermosa, Meta, during the meeting also died fighting alias "Yinet" girlfriend of the "Thin Duván" alias "Mico Old" and alias "Geovany".

Also, they injured three members of this structure, who were provided humanitarian assistance by combat nurses. They also seized five rifles, a carbine, five vests, 7 teams of campaigning, communication equipment and material intendnecia.

Importantly, aka "Flaco Duván" committing crimes took more than 13 years in the organization and is accused of:

• Responsible for the kidnapping of five contractors of the company Petrominerales in March 2014.

• Run attacks and burning of buses in the road axis Meta - Guaviare.

• Making vaccines extortion and collection of merchants, ranchers, farmers and transport companies the Mid Ariari, also in the municipalities of Granada, San Juan de Arama and Vista Hermosa, Meta; among other criminal practices that became the source of finance front and support to sustain the Eastern Bloc of the FARC-EP.

On the other hand in the rural area of ​​San Vicente del Cagua n, Caquet to, was dismantled a stash that contained 16,086 cartridges of different calibers, 42 kilos of ANFO and two workshops to manufacture explosives artesal armemento and so belongs front 14, the Eastern Bloc of the FARC-EP.

Thus the Armed Forces continue working in a joint manner, running operations around the country against crime phenomena that affect the security and peaceful coexistence of Colombians.

"We are in the heart of Colombia and that we will stay."

Strategic Communications - Military Forces General Command

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