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Promotion to the rank of Colonel

In the Military School of Cadets "General José María Córdova", Commander of the Colombian Air Force insignia degree imposed Coronel who thanks to their hard work, sacrifice, dedication and commitment to serving their country have met the requirements to receive one of the most emblematic in his military career degrees.

In a ceremony presided by the Minister of National Defence, Luis Carlos Villegas in the company of senior military commanders, lieutenant colonels were promoted the Army, Navy and Colombian Air Force.

Air Institution reiterates support and congratulated the ladies and gentlemen of the air, who as of today are on his shoulders a greater responsibility, strengthening the commitment to security and development.

Department of Air Force Strategic Communications

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Fuerza Aérea Colombiana

Nuestra misión es volar, entrenar y combatir para vencer y dominar el espacio y el ciberespacio, en defensa de la soberanía, la independencia, la integridad territorial, el orden constitucional y contribuir a los fines del estado.

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